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Posts tagged ‘yellow’

The Yellow Handkerchief

I love the progression of the color orange to yellow because of how totally connected they are! If you didn’t notice before, you can observe that the three orange figures are now accompanied by a yellow background and floor. Watching each frame, slowly but surely, come together color by color is a joy to see and I’m just pleased to share the front row seats with you!

yellow complete

Yellow lasted a grand total of 6 hours and 5 minutes. I believe the majority of the time was spent on the background because the floor itself had less pieces. What’s interesting is that the yellow floor had a slightly different hue than the background. With that, I was able to visualize which section, floor or background, most of the yellow pieces fit into. Can I use this technique for the next color as well? Guess I shall find out!

Big Yellow Taxi ~Counting Crows

I feel like I put together one and a half frames because of theĀ  diminished size on the right side. Without the rest of the figures in place, the image kind of looks a lot like a person on a dolphin trying to scaring the wits out of the person, shaking with fear already. Is that really what the picture will look like? Nah, probably not, but it’s good to use the imagination once in a while eh?

yellow complete

This section took me a lovely total of about 7 hours and 20 minutes. I believe it took me longer this time because I had to start outlining the three figures and it’s always harder to put together an outline with the puzzle pieces than to just fill in the missing pieces like I will later for the blue and red colors. No matter, the hard work now should pay off later if all goes according to plan. Next up shall be the bold color of strawberries.

Golden Girls

The yellow section might have taken a while but it was nice to see two frames being completed with the yellow background and figure. With those completed, it wasn’t hard to piece together the rest of the yellow to form the other character. As I get closer and closer to completing this second bag of puzzle pieces, I get a bittersweet feeling. While one section of the puzzle may have been accomplished, there is still more to be done in the world of puzzling though!

yellow complete

yellow complete x2

yellow complete x3

The blue section of the puzzle was done in 10 hours flat. I’m always pleasantly surprised when I can finish a section without leftover minutes to spare. This is one case where rollover minutes are not a good thing. I still welcome having people come over to help me, as long as the scheduling will work out. If I get more interpersonal hangouts tied in with this puzzle, then it would be worth it if I took 1,000 hours to complete it! With that said, I hope to finish up this section well and start another bag with people alongside me.